Knitting is rocking. Going well. I'm getting better and better. I just finished a baby blanket and a new pair of socks. ... Wow! It's been a long time since I posted. Sooo... and another baby blanket and two hats and a baby surprise jacket and another for a doll... lots of stuff. Knitting is good.
The rest of life is mixed. Liked christmas pudding. With nuts.
A list. Maybe a list will help.
1- I've been divorced for just more than a year. (best anniversary ever)
2- X has been married for almost(?) a year w/family. (so much for getting rid of responsibility)
3- I've been out of work for almost 3 years. (!?! thanks, Dad! I lubs you!)
4- I have a boyfriend!! (such a cutie!)
5- He proposed! (So romantically... with a ring and everything)
6- He thinks I'm awesome! (He's right!)
7- I'm working at temporarily (seasonal) at a tax company.
8- With an idiot...
9- Who made it so I had to come in on my (sunny and warm) day(morning) off with the man.
10- and asks stupid questions... every three minutes.
I'm cranky. Verily. But happy.
3 years ago
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